Orencia (Abatacept) 50mg/0.4mL Prefilled Syringe


Drug Info: ApoThera Drug Disease Clinical Support App

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)
– IV Dosage according to Body Weight.
– Repeat dose at 2 weeks and 4 weeks after initial dose and every 4 weeks thereafter.
Children ≥6 years and <75 kg (IV Dose)
– 10 mg/kg
Children ≥6 years and ≥75 kg (IV Dose)
75 to 100 kg:  750 mg
>100 kg: 1,000 mg (maximum dose)
Children ≥2 years (SC Dose)
– Administer without an IV loading dose and use weight-based dosing
10 to <25 kg: 50 mg SC once weekly
≥25 to <50 kg: 87.5 mg SC once weekly
≥50 kg: 125 mg SC once weekly
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NDC: 00003-2814-11 Category:

4 Syringes = 1 Unit


SC Administration
– Allow prefilled syringe and autoinjector to warm to room temperature (for 30 to 60 minutes and 30 minutes, respectively) prior to administration.
– Inject into the front of the thigh (preferred), abdomen (except for 2-inch area around the navel), or the outer area of the upper arms (if administered by a caregiver).
– Rotate injection sites (≥1 inch apart); do not administer into tender, bruised, red, or hard skin.
Prefilled Syringe
– Store at 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F)
– Do not freeze
– Protect from light
– Signs and symptoms of infection
– Signs and symptoms of hypersensitivity reaction
– Hepatitis and TB screening prior to therapy initiation