Gonal-F (Follitropin alfa) 1050 IU MultiDose Vial (MDV)


Drug Info: ApoThera Drug Disease Clinical Support App

– Prescription Required
– Free Next Day Delivery to Anywhere in CA and NY
– Free Same Day Delivery within 50-Mile Radius of ApoThera
– Concierge Pharmacy; Do NOT Accept Insurance
– Annual Concierge Pharmacy Membership Fee: $300/year
– Accept Credit Cards, Apple Pay and Zelle
– Do NOT accept manufacturer coupons
Physicians may send E-Prescriptions (E-Scripts) to:
45 Post, 2nd Floor
Irvine, CA 92618
Phone: (949)387-7711
Fax:      (949)387-7712
Stepwise Approach
– Initiate therapy with 50 units/day SC for at least the first 7 days
– Increase dose by 25 or 50 units at weekly intervals until follicular growth and/or serum estradiol levels indicate an adequate response.
– Maximum Daily Dose: 250 units.
– If response to follitropin is appropriate, hCG is given 1 day following the last dose to induce final oocyte maturation and ovulation.
– Withhold hCG if the ovaries are abnormally enlarged, or if abdominal pain occurs.
Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)
Stepwise Approach
– A starting dose of 200 SC units is recommended for at least the first 7 days of treatment.
– The dose may be adjusted for the individual patient based upon their ovarian response.
– Maximum Daily Dose: 500 units
– When a sufficient number of follicles of adequate size are present, the final maturation of the follicles is induced by administering hCG.
– Oocyte retrieval is performed 34 to 36 hours later.
– Withhold hCG in cases where the ovaries are abnormally enlarged on the last day of follitropin beta therapy. See “Note” for dosage adjustment for this product.
Spermatogenesis Induction
– Pretreatment with hCG monotherapy is required prior to concomitant therapy with follitropin beta and hCG.
– Follitropin beta therapy may be initiated after normal serum testosterone levels have been reached
– 450 units/week (administered as 225 units SC twice weekly or 150 units SC 3 times/weekly)
– A lower dose of Follistim AQ Cartridge may be considered
Manufacturer: EMD Serono (USA)
NDC: 44087907001 Category:

1 Vial = 1 Unit


Drug Info: ApoThera Drug Disease Clinical Support App


– May be administered only by SC injection using the Gonal-F Redi-Ject Pen which can be set to deliver the appropriate dose.

–  Store the unused pen in the refrigerator.
– If necessary, the unused pen may also be stored at room temperature for up to 3 months.
– Once used, the pen may be stored in the refrigerator or at room temperature. Discard the used pen after 28 days
– Do not freeze.
– Protect from light
Monitoring (Females)
– Monitor sufficient follicular maturation
– This may be directly estimated by sonographic visualization of the ovaries and endometrial lining or measuring serum estradiol levels
– The combination of both ultrasonography and measurement of estradiol levels is useful for monitoring for the growth and development of follicles and timing hCG administration.
– The clinical evaluation of estrogenic activity (changes in vaginal cytology and changes in appearance and volume of cervical mucus) provides an indirect estimate of the estrogenic effect upon the target organs and, therefore, it should only be used adjunctively with more direct estimates of follicular development (ultrasonography and serum estradiol determinations).
– The clinical confirmation of ovulation is obtained by direct and indirect indices of progesterone production or by sonographic evidence. The indices of progesterone production most generally used are: urinary or serum luteinizing hormone (LH) rise, rise in basal body temperature, increase in serum progesterone, and menstruation following the shift in basal body temperature. The indices of sonographic evidence of ovulation include: Collapsed follicle, fluid in the cul-de-sac, features consistent with corpus luteum formation, or secretory endometrium.
– Monitor for signs and symptoms of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) for at least 2 weeks following hCG administration
Monitoring (Males)
– Monitor for sufficient spermatogenesis. This can be directly estimated by semen analysis, or indirectly estimated by serum testosterone level.
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